Whippet Coaches Collaboration

This Michaelmas term, we have been approached by Whippet Coaches asking if there was a way we could work together to design some components for their new fleet of Flix buses. This has been a particularly exciting project as it has involved working with an industry partner. The main project has been to design a bin bag holder to fit in a very tight spot underneath the sink in their on-board toilet cubicle. This has required some out of the box thinking in order to achieve a design that is practical, sanitary and easy to print. We have had two meetings with Whippet to find out more about their needs and test our prototypes. This project has been a great way to get lots of members involved in a project that is both relevant and exciting.

Find out more on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7133144033429729280/